On the 5th of September, Boyanka Dimitrova from the Regional Council of CITUB Ruse and Deana Dimova, director of the "Center Dinamika” Association signed the document in favor of survivors of intimate partner violence.

With it, CITUB undertakes to make efforts and make proposals to ensure the possibility of stable work, education, qualification and retraining, training in financial literacy, support for starting one's own business, involvement in activities for personal development, as well as others, which would help women start their lives independently again.

The Regional Council of CITUB in Ruse is a key partner among the participants in the Territorial Protocol, as it can provide labor-legal advice to clients of the crisis center, mediate contact with business organizations, and also participate in information campaigns, trainings and other initiatives in order to promote the common cause.

By signing the document, the local branch of the trade union organization became part of the large partner network of the Territorial Protocol in support of women survivors of violence. Its coordinator is the “Center Dinamika” Association, and its partners are a number of organizations, institutions and business companies.

The large family of like-minded people is expanding periodically and tirelessly. About a month ago, the Association for Women Lawyers became a part of it. See more about the role of this organization in the context of its partnership with “Center Dinamika” here - https://cscd-bg.org/en/projects/proekt-wego-3/association-for-women-lawyers-becomes-part-of-a-territorial-protocol-to-support-women-who-have-experienced-intimate-partner-violence

More information about the WEGO project - economic empowerment of women who have experienced intimate partner violence can be found on the project's official website https://www.wegoproject.eu/ , as well as on the websites of the Bulgarian partners – Association “Center Dinamika”, Ruse - https://dinamika-ruse.bg/ and Center for Sustainable Communities Development, Sofia - https://cscd-bg.org/en/projects/proekt-wego-3


[1] Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria




Center for Sustainable Communities Development

1000 Sofia, 37B, Parchevich str.

tel.: 3592 986-47-10
