Center for Sustainable Communities Development is an independent, non-governmental organization in public benefit, founded in 1994 by active professional women. It has won recognition as an Advocacy group working to:
- raise Bulgarian society awareness on gender equality issues;
- raise civil society intolerance to violence against women at home and in workplace;
- change the legislation to protect women and children victims of domestic violence;
- educate children and young people in human rights and the national and international regulations guaranteeing those rights;
- get media involved in gender issues discussions;
- acquire successful practices of foreign NGOs and adapt them professionally to the Bulgarian reality;
- promote and encourage women in starting-up their own business;
- achieve more active women's participation in politics and decision-making, and create a national women's lobby;
Center for Sustainable Communities Development has realized those aims by:
- organizing information and education campaigns through active partnership with the media and production of a video spots, radio broadcasts and special columns in the press;
- organizing training seminars in Sofia and the country on domestic violence issues; hidden discrimination of women from ethnic groups in Bulgaria; gender awareness and analyses; the media role for overcoming existing stereotypes; acquiring leadership skills; gender education in school and university; starting-up small business; NGO management
- designing and participating in projects for creation of National mechanism for equal opportunities of women and men in Bulgaria and its promoting in public space;
- actively supporting the national and international women's networks that strengthen women's positions;
- conducting various researches of domestic violence issues, sexual harassment, globalization effect on women and men