The initiative is part of the international project "WEGO3 – From individual IPVs empowerment to community activation” in which the Association partners with the Center for Sustainable Communities Development, Sofia.
The company from Targovishte, which employs more than 700 people, was chosen because of its extensive experience in the field of social responsibility to its employees and good practices of partnership for the benefit of local communities and vulnerable groups.
Opportunities for cooperation and good practices of partnership between organizations supporting women survivors of domestic violence and business were discussed during an online meeting between the three stakeholders. The management of Mebel Style provided the NAYA Association documents with information about the vacant positions in the company to be given to women who are unemployed. The aim is these women to find their independence more easily and effectively by finding employment.
The company from Targovishte, which is among the largest producers in Bulgaria, will apply for the first of its kind Honorary Badge for promoting equal opportunities for women and men. The company's self-assessment shows that a large part of the managerial positions are held by women, both sexes are equally represented both in the management and in the production and there is practically no gender pay gap in the company.
"The aim of the owner of the company is to combine the personal qualities and potential of women and men and each of them to be able to express their strengths without being limited by stereotypes. That is why most of the teams are mixed and this is the best working option for the company, "said the company's procurator Tatiana Kodjamanova.
The commercial director Desislava Daneva told about the existing for years Fund "Help a colleague". Funds are contributed by both the management and the employees themselves through donation boxes. The money is used to support people in need, including women who need financial help to rent a home or care for children.
"In the local community Mebel Style is an indispensable partner of schools, kindergartens, municipalities and social services in the entire Targovishte region!", Said Nina Nikolova, project coordinator at the NAYA Association. The organization, which has been working for 20 years for the right of women to a dignified life without violence, is committed to support the process of certifying Mebel Style for the prestigious award.
The photos are from the Facebook page of Mebel Style
the team of Mebel Style at the traditional spring fair in Targovishte
the company manages to best combine the potential of men and women in its team.
Mebel Style has three factories in the region of Targovishte, which employ more than 700 people